What Does Your Reputation Say About You?

Your reputation precedes you. What does this mean? It means someone has heard about you before meeting you. Whether it’s good or bad, only you can decide which reputation will precede you.
Building a reputation in today’s market is paramount. Someone once told me that if you don’t take the time to build your own reputation, one will be built for you. If you are anything like me, you want to build your reputation yourself.
So what does it mean to build a reputation? Your reputation speaks for itself, if you’re not careful, and don’t take the time to build the right reputation, it could mean the difference in getting the job or career you want or not.
For me it is exemplifying the traits I want to be known for most. When others think about me or are considering me for a job opportunity, to say or think the some of the following things about me. While this is not a comprehensive list, it is nonetheless a list of traits I would like to define me. All of this takes work on my part, to ensure I am building the reputation I want.
What I don’t want is someone to form an opinion of me because I didn’t exemplify the traits I wanted to be known for most. In other words, my reputation was formed on what I had already done, not what I was going to do.
Bottom line in order to have the reputation you chose, or want for yourself it is necessary to take action, in order to build your reputation. If you take no action you have essentially chosen.