How to Write a Resume They’ll Read

Resume Writing

According to a research conducted by THELADDERS, it takes recruiters on average "six seconds before they make the initial ‘fit or no fit’ decision" on candidates based on resumes. You need to sell yourself to the people reading your resume. Would you want to hire you?

  1. Make sure your name and contact information is clearly listed on your resume.
    1. Always list it at the top of your resume
    2. Put your name in bold face and regular caps
    3. Include your full address and home, and/or cell phone numbers along with your email address, but do not bold these items
  2. Optional – Objective.
    1. Be clear why you are interested in the specific position you are applying for, do not be generic; this should be tailored for the position in which you are applying.
    2. This is an opportunity to “sell yourself” and why you are qualified for a particular position
  3. Make your resume clear and concise.
    1. Avoid spelling errors
    2. Avoid using big words to sound educated
    3. Make it easy for recruiters to see what you have done and are doing
  4. Clearly outlined employment history (dates/job duties).
    1. Use exact dates of employment i.e. ( Jan 2014 – Feb 2015)
    2. Give a quick summary of your daily duties
    3. Keep it to 1 – 2 pages
  5. Tailor your resume to fit the position you want, do your research.
    1. Use keywords from job descriptions
    2. Review the website to see what they look for in candidates
  6. Don't list your hobbies or references.
    1. Unless a company has requested something other than a resume and cover letter, don’t include it
    2. If an employer wants to speak to references they will ask you for the list

Indrotec Staff Top Resume Tips:

  • Clear objectives
  • Day to day duties
  • Spelling and grammar error-free, in an editable format (not a pdf or photo)
  • Clearly outlined employment history (dates/job duties)
  • Easy to read (one page, maybe two)
  • Resume that doesn’t read like a thesaurus (avoid using tons of different big words just to sound educated)
  • Long term (more than 1 year) work history at 1 or more employers - Steady work history
  • Job titles and duties in detail
  • An objective that matches the company/position applied for
  • Clear job duties with proper formatting
  • Chronological work history (most recent first)
  • Verifiable dates of employment
  • Company name (including agency and job site if applicable)
  • Highest level of accomplished education (no dates)
  • If you are not working at a job currently, make sure your resume reflects an end date
  • Include things that are relevant to your past positions, hobbies are never a good idea